Wednesday, May 6, 2020

##ism, Imagery, And Symbolism In Cathedral By Raymond...

The short story â€Å"Cathedral† is written by Raymond Carver. It is being narrated by a man whose wife invited an old friend and person she used to work for to come visit due to his wife dying. The old friend is a blind man whose name is Robert. The author in the â€Å"Cathedral† uses symbolism, imagery, and irony to provide more meaning to the story. The narrator of the story has a stereotypical opinion on blind people while being blind to his own imperfections, but he is able to start seeing it more clearly through the blind man’s eyes. As the story goes on they are able to connect on another level and achieve their brotherhood as they sit and talk more in-depth and when the narrator began to draw the cathedral with his eyes closed†¦show more content†¦This object represents the relationship they formed along with compassion and understanding without having to physically see each other. Instead, it requires listening and emotions. At the beginning the narrators stereotypes caused him to be the total opposite of what the tapes had symbolized to his wife. His wife looked forward to the tapes but the narrator on the other hand became more jealous and could’ve cared less. In addition to the symbolism, the narrator’s observation is ironic because he thinks that because he has the ability to see he brings more happiness to his wife than Robert could to his. He thinks that Robert’s wife had to be pitiful while being married to him because he was not able to see her, tell her she’s beautiful, or see the love in her eyes. It shows how the narrator views relationships, because of this, the narrator doesn’t see that Robert was able to look past the physical appearance. He could genuinely feel the heart of another and connect to them instead of it being based on their appearance. Another Irony example is used when the narrator goes from being stereotypical about blind people while being blind to his own faults, to now being able to see more clearly through his own eyes by having the help from the blind man. Afterwards, the narrator is able to see more clearly and make the connection to the blind man. He also see that the stereot ypes that he originally had, not just

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